In BNP Paribas Real Estate, we work daily to provide the best service in accordance with their particular needs.

In cases where it considers that any matter has not been satisfactorily resolved and merits further clarification or formal complaint, it can contact the Customer Care Service in writing through one of the following channels:

· By post office:

Customer Service

Calle Emilio Vargas 4, 28043 Madrid

· By e-mail:

The Complaints Customer Service is obliged to settle customer complaints and claims within a period of up to two months from receipt of them under the commitment adopted to protect client's interests.

In order to expedite as much as possible the resolution of possible incidents or complaints, it is imperative that the following information be included in the communication sent to us:

  • Name and address.
  • Personal ID cards and public registration data for legal persons.
  • Reason for complaint or complaint, with a clear specification of the issues on which a statement is sought.
  • Office, department or service where the facts subject to the complaint have occurred.
  • Notes that the claimant is not aware that such an impact or claim is being resolved through an administrative, arbitral or judicial procedure.
  • Place, date and signature.

In addition, if any, it shall provide together with the previous document the documentary evidence on which its claim is based.

In the event that the complainant considers that the complaint or complaint has not been settled after the statement of the BNP Paribas Real Estate Spain Client Services and, if he deems it appropriate, he may contact the Consumer Information Branch OMIC (Municipal Consumer Information Office).

Before submitting a formal complaint to these bodies, it will be imperative to prove that the claim was made in advance to the BNP Paribas Real Estate Spain's Customer Service, justifying the rejection of the claim by the two-month period.